Friday, 12 September 2014

Mount Tabor Training College Practical Examination II Sem B Ed Degree

My dear Students, Our Practical Exam has been tentatively scheduled on 22nd to 26th September 2014 ( Monday to Friday).  All students have to take a class before the Exam Board. Prepare two hand-written copies of Lesson Plan for 30 minutes based on a topic in the school subject. After the class, attend a viva with the optional subject examiner. Here, you have to bring all pratical works of Second Semester - College based, School based and Community based - in your optional Subject. Plz see this blog for a list of practical works to be submitted. In addition to this, there is a viva for general paper, and another viva for physical education. Here you have to submit the concerned records and works only. Some selected students will be called for viva with the Chairman on each day of practical exam. This will be notified on the notice board. Here, they have to bring all their works - General Papers, Physical and Health Education and Optional Subject. On any one day, the Coordinating Chairman will visit the college. During this visit, a small number of students, will be called for viva with Coordinating Chairman.Here also, tey have to bring all their works. Nothing to worry, be prepared, answer questions pleasingly, prepare well for the class. I wish you all an excellent success in the Examination.  

Thursday, 28 August 2014


Duration: 2 Hours                          Maximum: 50 Marks
[Instruction: Answer all questions from Part A and Part B, 
four questions from Part C and one question from Part D.]

1. The most essential aspect of a techno pedagogue ...
a) Skills to use technology for lesson transaction   b) Efficiency in participatory approach

c) Skill to introduce a lesson                d) Efficiency in online searching
2. An example of reflective teaching practice ...
a) Giving follow up activities regularly    b) Changing presentation style after a feedback session

c) Ensuring activities suggested in text book    d) Conducting an achievement test
3. Shooting a video lesson for the topic “Atmosphere” after preparing a 
lesson script  will help to ...
a) Give live experience on the layers of atmosphere
b) Reduce teacher efforts to give clarity on different concepts
c) Motivate the learners’ interest on the topic  d) All the above
4. Software developed to study the ‘First and Second World War’ is more suitable to ...
a) Individual learning
  b) Co operative learning

c) Class room teaching d) Seminar presentation
5. E content development on ‘New Economic Policy’ will be more useful for ...
a) Online learning
        b) Video conferencing

c) Regular class room  d) Power point presentation
6. One which is not true about internet and teaching of Social Science ...
a) Data are available on various topics of Social Science
b) Video lessons on various topics are available for teaching purpose
c) Online distance education is possible in Social Science subject areas
d) All down loading materials on Social Science are authentic & Comprehensive
7. A simple example of techno pedagogy is ...
a) Showing a video clipping of election campaign while introducing the topic ‘Organs of

Government’   b) Recording the seminar presentation on ‘Organs of Government’   
c) Showing the pictures downloaded from internet suitable for the topic ‘Organs of Government’
d) Directing the students to conduct a mock parliament
8. Which among the following revolutionized the role of teacher as an authority of 
knowledge to the facilitator of learning and co learner in learning process?
a) Right to Education Act         b) Right to Information Act

c) Extensive use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
d) Right for equality of educational opportunity
9. Essential component of a techno pedagogical content analysis ...
a) Analyse facts and concepts
b) Analyse the process skills

c) Analyse the possibilities of evaluation aspects
d) Analyse the possibilities of technological inputs in lesson process
10. A way to enhance professional competency among teachers ...
a) Conducting seminar in the classroom.

b) Attending workshops & refresher courses at regular intervals.
c) Promoting tutorial system in educational institutions.  d) Organizing quiz programs regularly
(10 x 1 = 10 Marks)

            PART – B
 (Answer all Questions in a paragraph)
11. Give an example of reflective teaching in social science on a topic of your choice.
12. Differentiate Profession and occupation.
13. Give an example of utilizing computer in Social Science while teaching a topic of your choice.
14. How research will help to improve professional competency among Social Science teachers?
15. Mention the essential technological knowledge needed for a Social Science teacher at present.

                                                                                                (5 x 2 = 10 marks)

            PART – C
(Answer any four Questions in one page each)
16. Explain strategies for reflective practices in teaching.
17. How will you equip yourself as professional in Social Science?
18. Illustrate the content analysis in Social Science on techno pedagogical aspects.
19. Give your critical remarks on the possibilities of video conferencing in regular class room
20. Explain the scope and limitations of utilizing internet in Social Science Teaching.
21. Mention the preparations needed for a Social Science teacher to record a video lesson with an
(4 x 5 = 20 Marks)

            PART – D
(Answer any one Question in 3 pages)
22. Prepare an ICT integrated lesson plan on a topic of your choice for standard VIII.
23. Explain the scope and limitations of Blogging in sharing information, teaching and research
purposes in Social Science.

(1x 10 = 10 marks)
II Semester B. Ed. Degree Practical Examination September/October 2014
University of Kerala
List of Practical Works to be submitted
Optional Subject                                        280 marks
1.      Submission of one on-line assignment                                 10 marks
2.      Innovative Work                                                                      10 marks
3.      Teaching Practice Record                                                      40 marks
4.      Peer Review Record                                                               10 marks
5.      Diagnostic Test                                                                        10 marks
6.      Achievement Test                                                                    20 marks
7.      Reflective Journal                                                                   10 marks
8.      Proof of two Internal Tests (2 papers)                                  10 marks
9.      Practicum two works (2 papers)                                            10 marks
10. Preparation and Uploading of one Teaching Manual            10 marks
11. Preparation and Uploading of PP Slides  
        (Minimum 5 Slides)                                                       10 marks
      12. Teaching Practice/Commission Class                          130 marks
General Papers                                        90 marks
1.      Proof of three Internal Tests (1 each of 3 papers)            15 marks
2.      Practicum three works (3 papers)                                      15 marks
3.      Practical three works (3 papers)                                         30 marks
4.      Report of Community Living Camp                                    20 marks
5.      Report of the Study Tour/Field Trip                                   10 marks
Health and Physical Education           30 marks
1.      Proof of one Internal Test                                                 10 marks
2.      Physical/Health Education Record                                   10 marks
3.      Teaching Practice Lessons Record                                  10 marks
Grand Total             400 marks

                                                  Dr. SAM V. DANIEL  
                                               Coordinating Chairman 
                                                     (Zones VII to XII)

October/November 2014
Model Question Paper
Paper 1X- EDU 09.10 Theoretical Base of Social Science Education-II
          Duration: 2 Hours                                                                      Maximum: 50 Marks

[Instruction: Answer all questions from Part A and Part B, four questions from Part C and one question from Part D.]

                 (Select the most appropriate option from those given in the brackets)
1.    The Unit approach in organizing social science curriculum is -
(A.  Child centred, B. Content centred, C. Community centred, D. Teacher centred)
2.    The main advantage of a social science laboratory is -?
(A. To keep apparatus, B. To facilitate learning by doing, C. To make teaching interesting,
D. To keep archaeological materials)
3.     Action hypotheses are based on -
(A.  Theory, B. Causes of the problem, C. Experience of the Investigator, D. Previous research)
4.     Which of the following is an example of learner centred instructional strategy?
(A. collaborative learning, B. Problem solving, C. Discovery learning, D. All the above)
5.     Which of the following is an element of a teaching model?
(A. Syntax, B. Effects, C. Both of the above , D. None of the above)
6.     Research outlook can be developed mainly by -
(A.  Lecture  method, B. Question answer method, C. Supervised study method, D. Problem method)
7.    Which of the following is used as an activity for developing International Understanding?
(A.  Singing National Anthem, B. Arranging an exhibition, C. Celebrating birth days of world leaders, D. Celebrating National Days)
8.    Which of the following is a function of a good text book in social science?
(A. An assistant master in print, B. A self teaching device, C. A constant companion of the student, D. All the above)
9.     Which of the following is an example of historical community resource?
(A. Palace, B. Grama sabha, C. Banks, D. Sea shore)
10.   Which approach is based on the principle ‘whole to parts’ in organizing curriculum?
(A.  Spiral approach, B. Concentric approach, C. Topical approach, D. All the above)
                                                                                                   (10 x 1 = 10 Marks)

(Answer all Questions in a paragraph)
11.  List some principles of curriculum construction.
12.  Examine the role of Social Science in promoting the spirit of Inter National      Understanding among the students.
13. What is the need for preparing a work book in Social Science?
14. Define Action Research and explain briefly the application of Action Research in a Social Science Class 
15. List the advantages of collaborative learning as an Instructional Strategy.
                                                                                           (5 x 2 = 10 Marks)

(Answer any four Questions in one page each)
16.  Explain briefly the nature and significance of Community Resources in teaching Social   Science. What are the different ways of utilizing them in your class?
17.  Examine the advantages of Discovery Learning Strategy in Social Science.
18.  Explain the criteria of a good Text book in Social Science.
19.  Distinguish between Concentric and Spiral approaches in Curriculum Construction.
20.  Discuss the steps of Problem Solving Strategy and its advantages in teaching Social Science.
21.  As a Social Science Teacher, how will you equip your Class Room?
                                                                                                   (4 x 5 = 20 Marks)

 (Answer any one Question in 3 pages)
22.  What is the meaning of National Integration? Explain the role of Social Science in promoting the spirit of National Integration among the students. Suggest some activities, inside and outside the class, to promote National Integration.
23.  Describe how you will organize and maintain the various materials and resources of teaching Social Science at secondary level. What are the various sources of these materials? As a teacher, how will you make the best use of these materials and resources?
                                                                                                   (1 x 10 = 10 Marks)