Friday 12 September 2014

Mount Tabor Training College Practical Examination II Sem B Ed Degree

My dear Students, Our Practical Exam has been tentatively scheduled on 22nd to 26th September 2014 ( Monday to Friday).  All students have to take a class before the Exam Board. Prepare two hand-written copies of Lesson Plan for 30 minutes based on a topic in the school subject. After the class, attend a viva with the optional subject examiner. Here, you have to bring all pratical works of Second Semester - College based, School based and Community based - in your optional Subject. Plz see this blog for a list of practical works to be submitted. In addition to this, there is a viva for general paper, and another viva for physical education. Here you have to submit the concerned records and works only. Some selected students will be called for viva with the Chairman on each day of practical exam. This will be notified on the notice board. Here, they have to bring all their works - General Papers, Physical and Health Education and Optional Subject. On any one day, the Coordinating Chairman will visit the college. During this visit, a small number of students, will be called for viva with Coordinating Chairman.Here also, tey have to bring all their works. Nothing to worry, be prepared, answer questions pleasingly, prepare well for the class. I wish you all an excellent success in the Examination.