Take any Text Book of Social Science Std VIII/IX/X
If the first chapter is a large one, take only that chapter alone.
Then prepare a brief summary of that chapter in one paragraph. Then prepare questions, putting adequate space for the students to write the answers. Finally give an answer key.
Work Book for Students in Social Science in Std VIII
Chapter I (write name of the chapter)
I Chapter Summary
II Questions
Qn.1 Choose the correct answer from the bracket and write in the space given.
Write question here
(.............................................................................) Ans. ..................................
Qn. 2 Arrange the following events in correct order
Write three or four events here (not in order)
Ans. .....................................................................................................................
Qn. 3 Match the following items of A with the items in B
A B Answer
1. ....................... ......................... .........................
2. ....................... ......................... .........................
3. ....................... ......................... .........................
Qn 4. Fill in the missing words in the blanks
Write question here with blank space
Qn. 5 Complete the Star Chart writing the missing words
Qn. 6 Write the major personality associated with the following events
Qn. 7 Write short note on the following
Space for a small paragraph should be given
Qn. 8 In the following map of India, mark the following places.
Draw an outline map of India and give two or three places
III Answer Key
If the first chapter is a large one, take only that chapter alone.
Then prepare a brief summary of that chapter in one paragraph. Then prepare questions, putting adequate space for the students to write the answers. Finally give an answer key.
Work Book for Students in Social Science in Std VIII
Chapter I (write name of the chapter)
I Chapter Summary
II Questions
Qn.1 Choose the correct answer from the bracket and write in the space given.
Write question here
(.............................................................................) Ans. ..................................
Qn. 2 Arrange the following events in correct order
Write three or four events here (not in order)
Ans. .....................................................................................................................
Qn. 3 Match the following items of A with the items in B
A B Answer
1. ....................... ......................... .........................
2. ....................... ......................... .........................
3. ....................... ......................... .........................
Qn 4. Fill in the missing words in the blanks
Write question here with blank space
Qn. 5 Complete the Star Chart writing the missing words
Qn. 6 Write the major personality associated with the following events
Qn. 7 Write short note on the following
Space for a small paragraph should be given
Qn. 8 In the following map of India, mark the following places.
Draw an outline map of India and give two or three places
III Answer Key